Saturday, September 17, 2005

Random Thought Number 11: Swimming Cats

Last night I had the strangest dream. In the dream, my cats were swimming in the pool in my apartment complex and just having a great time. I have had variations of this dream before, and I'm always amazed. "I didn't think cats could just automatically swim the way dogs do, but I guess they can," I always say to whomever is with me. This time, I was worried about the cats being in the pool, though I thought it was pretty amazing that they could swim, since cats aren't exactly allowed in my apartment complex swimming pool. It was hard to keep them out though, because somehow they kept escaping because they wanted to swim so much.

I looked this up in The Everything Dreams Book by Trish and Rob MacGregor. This is a pretty interesting book. Though it discusses the importance of determining what different dreams and dream symbols might mean to the reader personally, it does have some interpretations of common dream symbols. Anyway, not surprisingly, it doesn't have "swimming cats" so I looked up cats and swimming separately. Cats can be a postive or negative symbol, depending on the dreamer's association with cats and the other things happening in the dream. I love cats and it didn't seem like a bad-luck kind of dream. So, I don't think the cats should be interpreted in a negative light in this dream. (Cats can mean prosperity or represent independence, the feminine, or sexual prowess, according to this book). However, I did have mixed feelings: amazement that they could swim, and worry because they weren't supposed to be in that pool and I couldn't seem to keep them out of it.

A dream about swimming, on the other hand, "suggests the dreamer is immersed in an exploration of emotional matters or the unconscious. " (p. 270). This is interesting to me since I often have dreams about swimming with no cats involved, since I love to swim. However, I am not sure how to tie these two elements together. I don't think it was trying to tell me that my cats are deep in thought about emotional matters or the unconscious, for example. Does anyone out there in cyberland who is better at dream interpretation than I have any thoughts about this?


Anonymous said...

My first thought was that you might have all the rescue animals on your mind since that has been in the news so much. I have been amazed at how the animals have survived all kinds of things with the hurricane. ABE

booklover said...

Yes, that could certainly be one possibility. The only problem with this is that I've had variations of this dream before Hurricane Katrina. Also, I don't think the other times I've had the dream coincide with other natural disasters; I have this type of dream a lot. I've had disaster dreams since Hurricane Katrina, but this one doesn't really seem to fit, at least not on the surface. It was a nice, sunny day, the cats were swimming in a pool and they seemed to be having a good time. Too good--I wanted them out of the pool and they didn't want to get out. Anyway, though, thanks for the comment. It's just interesting to see what others think about this.