Saturday, November 19, 2005

New Link for Cat Lovers

I just added a new link to my list of links: Sir Ryder of Cupp. It's a must read for any cat lover--lots of cute cat pictures, a long, distressing step by step account of giving a cat a pill (hilarious if you're not the one doing it), that type of thing. I can definitely relate to the pill thing. When I first got my cat Moonie from a shelter, she had lots of health problems. I had to give her lots of pills, and though we had had pets while I was growing up, I certainly hadn't had to do that kind of thing before and wasn't in fact known for having a great love of or skill with animals. It took awhile but now I am a pro at giving pills to cats.

Anyway, I love cat blogs, so when I saw this, I knew I had to add this link.


Lillian Russo said...

Hey, thanks for adding my blog to your links. Funny thing---I have been reading your blog too. I will link your site as soon as I get a chance.

booklover said...

Hey, thanks :-).