Sunday, January 06, 2008

Blogcharm is Dead

Well, I'm moving my blog back to blogger. I moved it over to blogcharm awhile ago because they said they were going to pay people to blog. Anyone who might have been following the forums over at Blog Explosion knows that they weren't paying their bloggers for a very long time. They said it was something to do with taxes (even if that's true, why would it take so long to fix?). They didn't answer support tickets and generally appeared to be ignoring frustrated bloggers. I also thought they should stop advertising that they were paying people to blog until they fixed whatever problems there were with payment.

I figured I'd probably never see the $20 they owed me, but miracle of miracles, I did get it through Paypal yesterday. This though was after an abrupt announcement that they were shutting down blogcharm, supposedly on January 1st, but a friend emailed me before that, asking if I was going to move my blog or what. It was then that I realized that my blog had already been disabled. It does not appear to me that anyone was given warning before they actually disabled the blogs. We can get to the content through cached content in Google, and also I had cross-posted some things (some things I had published first on this blog, and others are on Associated Content). There were also a few things I saved in word documents. Still, I don't think it was worth the $20 to go to the trouble of moving it.

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