Thursday, August 25, 2005

Random Thought #10: Cats on a Leash

I am a cat person. I like cats better than dogs. Cats don't bark, they don't slobber all over you, and they don't have bad breath. Also, I'm scared of big dogs. These are just some of the advantages of cats as opposed to dogs.

It's very rare that I will admit to any advantages that dogs may have over cats. I will grudging admit to one, though.

The vet (see Random Thought #9) thought my cats were doing pretty well. The only thing is that they are a little bit overweight. So, I want to try to exercise them more. This would be easier if I could take them for a walk, like you can with a dog. I have heard that cats can be leash trained, but I am not sure I can do this with my cats--I wonder if you have to start when they are really young? I don't want to just drag them behind me. Also, I think they'd need harnesses, because they've always wiggled out of any collar I put on them, and I sure wouldn't want them to escape. I have been playing with them, but I am rather lazy. I do like to go for walks, though, so if I could just take them with me, it would be easier. It occurs to me that I have never seen anyone take a cat for a walk, whether or not they can be leash trained.

So, one advantage of dogs over cats--dogs like to go for walks. Personally, though, I think that's it. Hopefully I won't get hate mail over this :-). It's just a personal preference; I know that dog people love their dogs just as much as I love my cats. Pets are good, no matter what your preference.


booklover said...

This is exactly the kind of thing I am worried about; it wouldn't surprise me if my cats did the exact same thing.

Christopher Trottier said...

I'm agreeing with you here. It would be awesome if I could walk my cat.

Anonymous said...

I have recently been adopted by a beautiful tux cat. (pictures are on my site) Just after the adoption, I took him to the vet to treat an absess and make sure that he was ok. That was when we discovered that he was FIV+, with that came the harness and leash. At first I tried a small harness on him, and he crawled on the floor, trying to escape its clutches. I didnt know if he just didnt like it or if it was too tight. I exchanged it for a medium, which is a little looser, and he is comfortable.

When I first took him out, he didnt know what to make of the thing. I had a leash which was only 5 foot long and ended up following him everywhere or holding him back. I bought one of those extendable leashes...with the retractable thing. He loves it. I would really suggest that you go with a larger (medium) harness that your cat doesnt feel like s/he is being strangled, and get a retractable leash so that they can wander a bit. Cats are not like dogs but if there is a route that you would like to go on you can encourage your cat with treats or a peice of string... whatever works. I wish you luck with your cat walking!

booklover said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to try this.